Friday, March 13, 2009

Web 2.0 Mania

Unless you have someone, like our dear lecturer, pointing you in the right direction when it comes to Web 2.0 how do you learn all about it? If you work everyday 9-5, commute home, have dinner then go and meet friends, where do you have time to blog, upload your photos on facebook, organise a wiki... It is all so beneficial but how do you prevent it from consuming your life! It seems that this is the way forward but will there be a point when people just get so sick of telling the world about their every move!
From my experience over the last few years it is those in the Arts who are not embracing this dynamic tool. Having attended various conferences it is only late last year that I began to notice New Media topics on the agenda of these courses. It is a fantastic low budget way to get yourself and your organisation out there. To set up a business you don't need an office, just grab a laptop and sell yourself online! :-)
Just DO IT!

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